Chronic Disease Management
Asthma & COPD
If you suffer with asthma and use an inhaler you will be invited to an annual review with the Practice Nurse. These 20 minute appointments can be booked by calling us on 0161 320 8788.
If you are due for a review, you can complete our online asthma questionnaire before attending your appointment. Click below to do this.
Further information about asthma, symptoms, causes and treatment, is available here.
To remind yourself of good inhaler technique, click here.
We encourage patients to recycle their inhalers when possible with the pharmacies. The pharmacies take part in the GSK Asthma Inhaler Recycling Scheme.
Diabetes Mellitus
Patients receive a full annual check. They will be invited to see a Health Care Assistant (HCA) first. At this appointment, the HCA will take blood and perform a medical examination. Patients will be contacted by a Practice Nurse, depending on if or what further treatment is needed.
If patients have more than one long term condition we provide a longer appointment so that, wherever possible, everything can be reviewed with one visit to the practice.
Diabetic Eye Screening
In addition to the annual check within the Practice, patients with diabetes will be invited to an annual Diabetic Eye Screening appointment. If you have Diabetes and are aged 12 or over you’ll receive a letter every year inviting you to this appointment.
Education Sessions and Support Group
The Practice alo refers for education sessions for anyone with Type 2 Diabetes or Prediabetes, those with an interest in Type 2 Diabetes or people who are a carer of someone with the condition.The aim of these education sessions is to lose weight, reverse Diabetes and reduce medication use.
Prediabetes is when someone has a blood sugar level above the normal range but not high enough to be diagnosed as having Diabetes. If your blood sugar level is above the normal range then your risk of developing full blown Diabetes is increased. We encourage you to have the education sessions if we find that you have Prediabetes.
Types of Diabetes
There are two different types of Diabetes:
Type 1 Diabetes causes the level of glucose (sugar) in your blood to become too high. Daily injections of insulin help to keep blood glucose levels under control. Type 1 Diabetes isn’t linked with age or lifestyle. You can read more about Type 1 Diabetes here.
Type 2 Diabetes is a common condition that causes the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood to become too high. Patients may need to change their diet and take medication to manage the condition. Type 2 Diabetes is often link to being overweight or inactive or having a family history of Type 2 Diabetes. You can read more about Type 2 Diabetes here.
National Support
For information and support on preventing Diabetes and living with the condition visit the Diabetes UK website.
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
If you suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension) you will be invited to an annual check (or 6 monthly if you are taking tablets for your condition). These annual appointments can be booked by telephoning 0161 320 8788.
We also have blood pressure machines available for public use. Please ask at the Reception Desk if you need further information about these.
A health professional may also ask you to take some readings at home and we can loan you a machine if needed.
You can find out more about high blood pressure - causes, symptoms, treatment - here.