Healthy Minds

The Healthy Minds service is for people over the age of 16 years.

Support and treatment is offered for those who are experiencing symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, low mood / depression, stress, worry or anxiety, feelings of hopelessness or panic attacks.

It can also help those dealing with the effects of a long-term health problem or chronic pain, Post Natal Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, phobias, or eating difficulties.

With help and support, these feelings and symptoms can be managed, guiding you to a successful recovery.

The service is delivered by a range of professionals including therapists and counsellors, who will find a level of treatment that is right for you.

Patients can self refer themselves using Online Referral Form below.


GAD7 & PHQ9 Score Sheet




Mindfulness is a way of focusing on the present moment, often practised by paying attention to the breath as a form of meditation.

Practising mindfulness can give people more insight into their emotions, boost their attention and concentration and improve their emotional wellbeing by helping with stress, anxiety, and depression.

It can also help with physical health problems, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and chronic pain.

Healthy Minds offers courses that teach people how to practice mindfulness. These are usually eight-week courses with a two hour session per week.

Mindfulness Pennine Care



For one to one counselling Topaz Wellbeing Centre can be contacted on 0161 330 9223 for self referral.

Counselling guide     Mental health guide



Men, Is it time to talk?  

Find a safe and confidential space that offers males 18+ the opportunity to talk about anything that matters - free from advice, judgement and any form of time or money commitment.

Mentell Circles


Healthy Young Minds

At Healthy Young Minds Tameside and Glossop (formerly CAMHS) specialist services are offered to children and young people who are experiencing mental health difficulties. 

Help is provided for children and young people up to the age of 16 years and from 16-18 years for young people on particular pathways. 

 Provision is done for consultation, advice and training to other agencies and acceptance of referrals from a wide range of professionals.

Tameside Healthy Young Minds

 Healthy Young Minds Website

Some other useful websites for self referral especially counselling for the youth are below.

YoungMinds Website

42nd Street

Off the Record




Using the form below, you can self refer to the autism team if you think you have autism.

Autism Self Referral Form